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Special Permission

Special Permission Request Form

Follow this link if you are a parent/legal guardian of a K-8 student who resides in SWCSD and you would like to request special permission for your student to attend a building other than your assigned residential building during the current school year. Special permission at SWCSD is granted on a space-available basis. A student who is transferred by special permission is expected to be a model student, follow all school rules, attend school regularly and must not be tardy to school, or engage in violating the SWCSD code of conduct. Any violations of the above stipulations could result in rescinding the student's special permission privileges. If a parent files a new (not a renewal) special permission request from one school to another from one school year to the next, the parent may have to wait until early August to find out whether the special permission request is granted. Remember: If special permission is granted, transportation must be provided by the parent to the granted school.

2024-2025 Special Permissions
To access the 2024-2025 Special Permissions Form click here.

2025-2026 Special Permissions
Special Permission requests for the 2025-2026 school year will not be processed at this time until the current school year ends. Check back with us in May for updated timelines. 

Student Code of Conduct
Includes FERPA and PPRA information