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CLOSED - Wednesday, January 22
SWCSD will be closed Wednesday, January 22, 2025 due to inclement weather.
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Transportation Forms

Bus Stop Issue Submittal Form

School bus stops are evaluated and determined annually by the South-Western City School District Transportation Department. Stops are then submitted to and approved by the Board of Education.

Many factors are considered when creating bus stop locations and bus routes. The goal is to create the safest and most efficient locations while maintaining a high level of convenience for students.

In residential areas, whenever possible, elementary and intermediate stops are located within 1,750 feet of a student’s residence and 2,650 feet of a middle and high school student’s residence.

Established walk areas are no more than one mile for elementary school students, one and a half miles for intermediate school students, and two miles for middle and high school students.

If you feel your child’s bus stop does not fit within these guidelines, please fill out and submit the form below via e-mail to [email protected] or by fax (614) 277-3591.

Your issue will be evaluated and responded to as quickly as possible.

Thank you.

High School Opt-In Forms

We need your help! Many of our high school junior and senior students choose not to ride a school bus to and from school each day yet we reserve a seat for them “just in case” they should choose to ride the bus.

In an effort to be more efficient with our high school transportation services, we are asking you to fill out the bottom portion of the form in the upper righthand of the webpage here and return it to the transportation department at 3427 Southwest Boulevard, Grove City, Ohio 43123 or email it to [email protected] or fax it to (614) 277-3591.

The OPT-IN choice means that your 11th and/or 12th-grade student will have a daily seat on a school bus and that your child will be occupying that seat on a routine basis during the 2023-2024 school year.

Otherwise, your 11th and/or 12th-grade student would not have a daily reserved seat on a school bus. Should your child want or need a seat at any time during the next school year, they can request a bus seat be reserved for them in the school office. This will take approximately 24 hours to process.

Kindergarten Students

The parents of kindergarten students, who ride the bus, should have been contacted by their bus drivers to introduce themselves and explain the drop-off procedure.

A kindergarten student must have a parent at the bus stop or a waiver form filled out and on file. If no parent is present and no waiver has been submitted, students will be brought back to their school.

The first week of school, we do not have sufficient staffing to call parents and bring students back to bus stops. We will bring students back to school. Please help us educate parents on these procedures.