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Elementary Education

Elementary Education
Executive Director of Elementary Education - Dr. Daniel Girard
Secretary - Laura Barthol    (614) 801-3073

In kindergarten through fourth grade, students gain a strong academic foundation in reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics. However, being successful in today's world takes more than just those skills. That's why the South-Western City School District gives its elementary school students an early start in building their listening, speaking, problem-solving, decision-making, and social skills. Courses like social studies, science, and health integrate these basic skills and teach students to use these skills daily.

Students also have the opportunity to explore their creative side through art and music, and their athletic abilities are nurtured through physical education activities.

We believe character is important as our elementary schools help students become prepared for life. At the elementary school level, we emphasize seven virtue qualities: honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion, self-discipline, perseverance, and giving. Our students practice these virtues at school and at home.