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Intermediate Education

Intermediate Education
Executive Director of Middle Grades - Dr. Cheryl Spain (614) 801-3164
Secretary - Rae Klosterman (614) 801-3164

South-Western's intermediate schools (grades 5 and 6) place a strong emphasis on literacy. Good reading, writing, and speaking skills are necessary to become life-long learners. Listening, speaking, problem-solving, and social skills are reinforced in math, science, and social studies. Courses such as these provide a challenging and integrated curriculum. Creative skills are nurtured through art and music, and athletic skills are developed through physical education and wellness courses.

24/7 Homework Help for Grades 7-12

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Paper: Real Help from Teachers; Every Class; All Day; Everyday
Change the way you study - One click at a time
24 hour live chat tutoring support from a real person
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24/7 Tarea Auyjda en los grados 7-12

Paper 24/7 Homework Help - Spanish version with a QR Code
Paper: Ayuda Real de los Maestros; Todas las Clases; Todo el Dia; Todos los Dias
24/7 Tarea Ayuda
Cambia tu forma de estudiar - Un clic a la vez
Soporte de tutoria for chat en vivo las 24 horas de una persona real
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24/7 Caawinta Shaqada Guriga ee fasalada 7-12

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Paper: Caawimada Dhabta ah ee Macalimiinta; Fasal Kasta; Maalinta oo Dhan; Maalin Walba
24/7 Caawinta Shaqada Guriga
Beddel Habka aad wax u barato - Hal gujin iyo a waqti 24 saacad oo sheekaysi toos ah taageerada umeerinta wadahadalka tooska ah ee qof dhab ah
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