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High School Education

HS Education
Read about the South-Western City School District and the Central Ohio Partnership for College and Career Readiness here.

Executive Director of Secondary Education - Dr. Erik Shuey (614) 801-3085
Secretary - Melissa O'Quinn (614) 801-3085

South-Western's high schools and Career Academy place a strong emphasis on college and career readiness standards designed to promote rigorous course offerings, which provide the foundation for a successful path in life after graduation.

High school students have the option of earning college credit:

  • Through Advanced Placement courses
  • At the South-Western Career Academy
  • On Colleges Campuses
  • Online
  • At the Accelerated Learning Center

24/7 Homework Help for Grades 7-12

Paper 24/7 Homework Help with a QR Code
Paper: Real Help from Teachers; Every Class; All Day; Everyday
Change the way you study - One click at a time
24 hour live chat tutoring support from a real person
Find Paper here:
Download Mobil App: "Paper Education"
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24/7 Tarea Auyjda en los grados 7-12

Paper 24/7 Homework Help - Spanish version with a QR Code
Paper: Ayuda Real de los Maestros; Todas las Clases; Todo el Dia; Todos los Dias
24/7 Tarea Ayuda
Cambia tu forma de estudiar - Un clic a la vez
Soporte de tutoria for chat en vivo las 24 horas de una persona real
Encuentra Paper Aqui:
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24/7 Caawinta Shaqada Guriga ee fasalada 7-12

Paper 24/7 Homework Help - Somali version with a QR Code
Paper: Caawimada Dhabta ah ee Macalimiinta; Fasal Kasta; Maalinta oo Dhan; Maalin Walba
24/7 Caawinta Shaqada Guriga
Beddel Habka aad wax u barato - Hal gujin iyo a waqti 24 saacad oo sheekaysi toos ah taageerada umeerinta wadahadalka tooska ah ee qof dhab ah
Ka Hel Paper Halkan:
La Soo Deg App Mobile: "Paper Waxbarasho"
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Explore Your Future with Xello: South-Western City School District’s Career Exploration Tool for Grades 9-12

What is Xello?
For those unfamiliar, Xello is a dynamic career exploration tool designed to help students uncover and pursue their future goals. Whether students are interested in college, a specific trade, or exploring various career pathways, Xello provides them with the resources to make informed decisions and prepare for life after graduation. With personalized tools, students can identify their interests, skills, and values, matching them to potential career options that align with their aspirations. 

Additional features:
  • Access scholarships
  • Schedule college visits
  • Explore hundreds of career and education pathways right at your fingertips

How Xello Works...
  • Personalized Career Matches: Through engaging assessments, students explore careers and educational pathways that resonate with their unique strengths and passions.
  • Interactive Lessons: Xello provides a series of lessons focused on real-world skills, like time management and goal setting, helping students understand what it takes to succeed in their chosen field.
  • Goal Setting & Planning: From creating resumes to planning high school courses, Xello empowers students to make informed choices that align with their career goals.
  • College & Career Exploration: Students can research a range of colleges, trade schools, and career options to understand what’s required and the opportunities available.

Have questions? We are here to help! See your high school guidance counselor for more info!